![Southern Devil Scorpion](http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8008/7168207594_201a2a4b77.jpg)
The other night I ran downstairs to get a refill on my water. Pitter patter over to the table to rifle through mail. Pitter patter over to the island to poke at dishes. Pitter patter over to the fri--wait, what?!
There, sitting at my feet, just in front of the fridge was yet. another. scorpion.
This time, however, I had a plan. So after yalping for the hubby, I grabbed a mason jar, hovered it in the air over the wee beastie, and then handed it off to my fearless hubby while I directed instead.
After a fearless jar capturing, cardboard flipping feat, we had one tiny scorpion in a jar.
Step two: find someone to ID the thing. Only, perhaps I should have actually researched this part in advance since the Department of Agriculture (my best guess) has a barely there web presence. Instead I turned to facebook where Rebecca of Resplendent Beauty pointed me towards our County Extension Office.
A very nice gentleman called in response to my email. Boiled down to essentials the call went something like this:
CE Man: Scorpions?
Me: Yes.
CE Man: Certain area of town?
Me: Yes.
CE Man: We see a lot of them there. They are called "Southern Devil" scorpions and are no more harmful than bees. Your cats will be fine.
Me: Um, but we still have scorpions. IN THE HOUSE.
CE Man: Oh, you want to get rid of them?
Me: ...Yes.
CE Man: Just pick up something with permetharin (p-e-r-m-e-t-h-a-r-i-n) in it and spray around your foundation. If you want to use it indoors, make sure to get something marked for indoor use.
I could have hugged him.
You know what? Still horrifying. Soak the house in spray and may they never again see the light of day. *shudder*