Sunday, February 07, 2010

Simply Joy Sunday # 36

The things that made me happy this week. Check out Cool Zebras for other's joys.

I was out of town last weekend, so this week, I'm covering two weeks!

1. Catching up with friends and family--some of whom I had not seem in literally years.

Nor Cal Peoples!

2. Seeing pylon in his new home and meetin the mesmerizing flip flap.

Pylon and Flip Flap

3. Eating really good food in Berkley with my foodie brother.

Really Good Food

4. Hanging out with my foodie brother and his cutie girlfriend.


5. Having a laptop during the wait for my delayed flight.

Killing Time

6. The peace and quiet on the final leg of my trip.

Fly By Night

7. Being home! with my hubby and cats.


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