Each of the officers of my my quilt guild is also in charge of heading up a committee. As Treasurer, that means me. I opted to head the challenges committee and kicked off my first two challenges at our March meeting. The first is a simple color challenge, I picked paint chips and everyone has to make something, anything they like, that uses those colors. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with but, so far, I haven't done anything on it myself.
The second challenge is to sew blocks for a charity quilt (or quilts depending on how many blocks we get). For inspiration, I turned to Do Good Stitches as it is a modern bee which also makes quilts for charitable causes. I fell in love with this quilt. I adore the use of negative space and the bold scrappiness.
Our group decided that instead of going monochromatic, we would go rainbow! I've made the three blocks shown at the top of the post and have fabrics picked out for an orange one as well.
Detailed pictures and a link to the instructions under the cut.


and Yellow

There are instructions on how to make the blocks here, but I just looked at the size of the pieces and winged it, since I know how an eight point star is constructed. I did find that my first block was a little shy of the 14" finish size, but with some starching, it was just barely under. The last two I deliberately cut my pieces large (5" x 6" or 6" x 6") but it was more work to cut the pieces and I wasn't keen on the waste. If I were making all the blocks, I would just let them run a little small and work to improve my piecing skills. But since these will need to be combined with other's blocks, I wanted them as accurate as possible.
I'm excited to see what they look like all together!
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