I have a bit of a love affair with strawberry lemonade. Restaurants that offer it generally win my undying affection as soon as I spot it on the menu. I made this for some friends we had over, but really, it was just a good excuse to make strawberry lemonade and not finish off the pitcher (myself) the same day. Some people have self restraint; I pawn food off on friends. ; )
This recipe comes from over at the wonderful Julie at Willow Bird Baking.
Makes: About 2 quarts
1 container of strawberries
2 tbsp cold water
3/4 cup + 2 tbsp sugar
1 cup hot water
1 cup + 1 tsp lemon juice
4 1/2 cups cold seltzer
WASH strawberries and remove stems
PUREE strawberries, water, 2tbsp sugar, and 1 tsp lemon juice in blender or food processor
POUR 1 cup lemon juice and seltzer into a 2 quart (or larger) pitcher
COMBINE 3/4 cup sugar and hot water in glass measuring cup or small bowl
STIR until all sugar is dissolved
ADD to pitcher
ADD strawberry sauce to the pitcher, stir until combined
REFRIGERATE until served.
My Thoughts
1. If you want to make this with fresh lemons know that you will need 8 or 9 lemons to get 1 cup of fresh lemon juice. Also know that juicing with one of those handheld juicers is a great upper arm workout.
2. If you don't like chunky bits in your drinks, strain the strawberry sauce before you add it.
3. Julie has lots of great suggestions on how to garnish the drink on her post that look like fun.
4. If you are short on time (or patience) for juicing you could substitute Simply Lemonade for the homemade lemonade, adding just the strawberry sauce and the seltzer.
I definitely have to try this, I've never had strawberry lemonade!
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned, I have some friends coming over tomorrow, so I decided to make some of this in advance. Now I have to figure out how we're not going to drink it all before tomorrow comes! It's delicious!
ReplyDeleteSunneschii--This is not the most traditional strawberry lemonade (that would be just lemonade and the strawberry sauce, without sparkling water) but it is delicious! : )
ReplyDeleteVanish--Glad you enjoyed it!