Thursday, January 07, 2010

Day 169/365--Snow Day

My daily contribution to my year long "Around the House" photo project. 365 photos. Blogged here.

169/365 Snow Day

It snowed today. 1"-2" which is not a big deal if you live somewhere where is snows. For somewhere like Huntsville, this is a Very Big Deal. I mean, close all the schools, watch the weather, close offices throughout the day Big Deal. And at 2pm, after both of the major arteries through town had all of their overpasses shut down and the traffic was backing up on the bypass (one of which goes right by our building) our COO came through and shooed us all out. I arrived home to find the hubby home for lunch and a solid 1" blanket of snow covering our yard. Our footsteps were clearly visible on the walkway, the hubby's already starting to fill in, but mine, newer, clear and stark.

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