Finally, new things in the shop! HOORAY! I actually have a ton of stuff made up but I keep missing the light/motivation to take pictures. This weekend I made two realizations: (1) I hadn't yet listed all the things I had taken pictures of and (2) some of the things I was waiting to retake pictures of could be fixed in a photo-editing program instead. HOORAY!
I've been listing like crazy the last couple of days. I am
trying to show some restraint so that I don't run out of photos, but it's tough when I am so excited about getting some new things in the shop!
Anyway, now available in the shop:

I hear ya. I'm not big into the picture taking/editing and listing thing. In the past, I've waited so long so that I had a bunch of stuff to photograph so I only have to set up the light box every once in a while. Now, with my new bench (weee!), I'll have another table dedicated to my light box and shipping stuff so that as soon as I finish an item I can take pic's while I'm still really excited about it. Here's to hoping that system works a little better. =)