The other day as I was wandering through the wilds of etsy, I was elated to find a kindred soul. You see (as you might be able to tell from my cards) I have a soft spot for inspirational quotes. I also really like simple, yet strong designs. And beautiful, timeless graphics. And bad puns. And letterpress. I really love letterpress.
Clicking into letterarypress's shop literally made me do a double take at the screen. It was like finding an alter-ego of mine who happened to be gifted with extraordinary design skills and access to (and knowledge about) a letterpress.
The crisp, clean design of these cards makes them an excellent choice for those hard to buy for males. That same characteristic also means that these would frame up beautifully. And indeed, it's hard to decide which would be preferable!
The first card that caught my eye was an Emmerson quote about the definition of success. This is a quote I have heard and seen many times before, however this time, it hit home much harder. Perhaps because I am finally at a stage in my life where I am defining for myself what success is and setting boundaries about the importance of family versus work versus income. However, the stunning design certainly didn't hurt. My very first thought was "I need to frame this and hang it in my cubicle!".
And in fact, letterarypress's style is perfect for the office--artsy but understated, classy yet bold. These are cards you can confidently hang in your office or give to a co-worker.

The second card to catch my eye was one that simply reads "I'm your biggest fan". From anyone else, it would be cheesy and maybe get a chuckle. But when done with such sophistication it is a lesson in irony. The design and execution are impossible to see as silly. The message is impossible to see as serious.
This card reminded me of my parents. My mother loves bad jokes, the cornier the better. My father likes to pretend that he is far above such things. This card bridges that gap. Whether from him to her, her to him, or them to the world it neatly combines both philosophies--while trivializing neither.

This is one of those shops where I absolutely want to hug the entire contents. From birth announcements to placecards to cards for any occasion I love everything in it. I could easily envision purchasing and framing several--a small hall of inspiration. Of course, they would also make excellent greeting cards, for anyone or any occasion.
awesome! thanks for introducing me to this seller! I really like the i'm your biggest fan card.