Last time on Handstitched...", I had just completed all the embroidery and was getting started on my Storm at Sea blocks.
I started by English Paper piecing one test block. It came together fairly nicely but (a)it was taking awhile and (b)I was having a heck of a time keeping the pieces centered. So I decided to machine piece them. This "shorter" method took an entire day and resulted in the square in square portions looking fantastic and the diamond pieces being...horribly skewed. I will have to figure out what I did. For the sake of this quilt though? I faked it.
I sewed small "filler" pieces into the gaps and made it work. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it visible from 3' away? Nope. Moving on. : )
The patchwork also took a double take. I had all my squares sewn into groups of 3 and up on my design wall before I realized...I kind of hated it. This a bad cell phone pic from when my camera was out of commission but it gives you can idea.

The plan had been to have two shades of every color but the darker red, orange, and yellow took over and made this entirely too citrus-y for my taste. So out came the seam ripper and we knocked it back to 7 colors instead of 10.

MUCH better.
I have squares cut for my on point squares, and the appliqued dogwood blossoms bonded in place. I need to blanket stitch the blossoms (after a few false starts I think I've finally found a color I'm happy with), sew up my on point squares, and add three layers of borders (one wide solid for the quilting, and two smaller pieces borders). I completely forgot that we were going to need another two yards of fabric for the solid border so...I have that on order now!
Then it's a matter of getting the back pieced together and the quilt basted. I'm toying with what I want to do on the back, but it will be something using the scraps I have left over from the front. I can't bring myself to make a "plain" quilt back.
THEN it will be ready for quilting. : D
This is truly AMAZING. I can't wait to see the finished product, I've really enjoyed the glimpses along the way!
ReplyDeleteYou know what that first photo needs? A perky little cat romping in the middle, messing up your layout. =) At least, that's what mine do if I lay any sewing out on the floor.
ReplyDeleteI really like how your quilt is coming along! Looks great! How do you like the handwork?
ReplyDeleteKim--Thank you! : ) I've really loving how it looks so far.
ReplyDeleteCountry Mouse--See the post I made just for you. ^_^
Haley--Thank you! I like the handwork up to a point. I enjoy hand stitching and I love how portable it is (and how much control I have) but it can be a bit repititous. I'm not sure if I feel that way because it is, or just because I was getting "behind". I think more the latter. I guess we'll find out with the hand quilting though! That will be an undertaking.
Aww, you took that class too, I'm jealous! Your quilt is coming along gorgeous! Your center block looks amazing! Thanks for sharing!