Thursday, September 21, 2006

If My Words Had Wings

The naming on these is pretty self-explanatory. : ) I've been experimenting with different ways to break up sets. Initially I was doing sets of three cards with the same phrase and flowers made from the same paper. Then I did an informal poll and found that everyone else preferred mixed sets. So I've done a bunch of completely mixed sets (different papers and sayings). These are some of my middle-of-the-road sets. Same saying, but different flowers. : )

If My Words Had Wings

Also someone asked me today about Christmas cards. I will have some Christmas/Holiday type cards in my shop probably between mid and late October (silly school!). However, they aren't really the send-a-million-cards-out-with-my-holiday-letter type of cards. Well, in my mind anyway, maybe others will feel differently. ^_^

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